1. Avatar activator NPK
Multicomponent Inorganic Micronutrient
This product represents a unique formula developed by our specialists for maximum effectiveness. Enriched with natural plant components such as amber and citric acids, it ensures high absorption and enhances plant metabolic processes. The advantage of the "NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS ASSIMILATION ACTIVATOR" lies in the extended composition of the product. While the formulations available on the market contain up to 8 elements such as Mg, Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Co, Mo, and B, our product includes these elements as well as additional ones such as I, S, La, Ni, V, Ti, Se, and Ge, which are not present in the composition of any other product worldwide. According to the results of long-term studies conducted by the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, when wheat is grown using the "NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS ASSIMILATION ACTIVATOR" in two technological operations (for pre-sowing seed treatment and two-time treatment of vegetative plants), the following results were obtained: Nitrogen uptake by grain yield exceeded that of the control grain by 20-45%, and phosphorus uptake by 10-30%. Protein content increased from 11 to 14%, and grain yield exceeded the control by 10-25%.
Key Features:
- Increases the absorption of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers by 20-45%.
- Does not induce resistance development in pathogens and pests.
- Safe for beneficial insects and pollinating bees.
- Increases crop yield by 10-25%.
- Enhances the content of micronutrients in plants by 30-50%.
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2. Avatar Protection
Multicomponent Inorganic Micronutrient
This product is designed to enhance the protective functions of plants and increase their resistance to stressful conditions. It effectively reduces the risk of disease development and enhances overall crop viability.
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3. Avatar Potassium
Simple Liquid Inorganic Macronutrient
This product provides a simple and effective solution for supplying plants with biologically available potassium necessary for healthy growth and development.
For detailed information on the composition of the products, their application, and usage recommendations, refer to the instructions provided with each packaged product.